Our Services

Advanced Infrared provides onsite electrical infrared scanning services to assess the condition of your electrical system and components. Our advanced technology allows us to identify potential issues such as overheating, loose connections, and equipment failure before they escalate into costly problems. By utilizing thermal imaging, we can pinpoint anomalies that may not be visible to the naked eye, ensuring a thorough evaluation of your electrical infrastructure.

Our team of experienced professionals conducts comprehensive assessments to optimize the performance and safety of your electrical systems. Scheduling regular infrared scans can help mitigate risks, enhance system reliability, and extend the lifespan of your equipment. Trust Advanced Infrared Services to deliver precise and dependable insights into the health of your electrical systems.

Infrared Scanning Service

Advanced Infrared provides certified infrared thermographers to your location to perform a survey of your electrical system and all of its components. We document each item surveyed and note its location and condition. Pictures are taken of each item inspected to be used in a formal report. Items needing immediate attention will be brought to your attention.

At the completion of our survey, we collect all of the pictures and equipment information taken on site and compile a formal report. Our report will identify the date and location the survey was performed and identify any items that require attention

Repair Service

Advanced Infrared teams up with Advanced Power Distribution Services to perform repairs on Switchboard, Switchgear and Circuit breaker repairs and replacements that may be identified by our inspections.

Advanced Power is our partner company that is certified in Electrical Maintenance and Testing and works with our scheduling team to coordinate services.

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